How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2023: A Deep Dive

Authored by the Singular Freddie Snijman, the Master of All Things Digital Emerges on the Scene: October 17, the Year of Our Algorithm, 2023 Are you ready to embark on an odyssey of Instagram discovery? A quest to fathom the arcane workings of the 2023 Instagram algorithm? Brace yourself for a riveting exploration into the labyrinthine depths of this algorithmic enigma. A voyage that promises to unravel its innermost secrets and equip you with the sorcery to wield it to your advantage. Introduction: Peeling Back the Veil of the Instagram Algorithm In the realm of social media sorcery, the siren call of great content has often beckoned marketers and creators. A tempting notion it is, to conjure content that resonates, bewitches, and ensnares audiences. But heed well, for this call is not incompatible with comprehending the intricate Instagram algorithm. In truth, 'great content' in the modern era includes posts, reels, and stories that beckon followers, elicit engagement, and co...